Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.STUDENT INFORMATIONS:Name - Surname *FirstLastEmail *Student NoFaculty *Faculty of EducationFaculty of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFaculty of Science and LiteratureFaculty of Economics and Administrative SciencesFaculty of Civil EngineeringFaculty of Chemistry and Metallurgical EngineeringFaculty of Art and DesignSchool of Foreign LanguagesFaculty of Shipbuilding and MaritimeFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringFaculty of ArchitectureFaculty of Applied SciencesRectorateDepartment *Computer EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronics and Communication EngineeringControl and Automation EngineeringDepartment *Computer and Instructional Technologies EducationBasic EducationTurkish and Social Sciences EducationForeign Language EducationEducational SciencesMathematics and ScienceDepartment *Western Languages and LiteraturesPhysicsHumanities and Social SciencesStatisticChemistryMathematicsMolecular Biology and GeneticsTurkish Language and LiteratureDepartment *EconomicsBusiness AdministrationPolitical Science and International Relations DepartmentsDepartment *Civil EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringGeomatics EngineeringDepartment *BioengineeringFood EngineeringChemical EngineeringMathematical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringDepartment *Communication DesignMusic and Performing ArtsArtDepartment *Basic EnglishModern LanguagesDepartment *Naval Architecture and Marine EngineeringMarine Engineering OperationsDepartment *Mechanical Engineering DepartmentIndustry Engineering DepartmentMechatronics EngineeringDepartment *ArchitectureUrban and Regional PlanningConservation and Restoration of Cultural PropertyDepartment *Informatics DepartmentPhysical EducationThe Principles of Ataturk and History of Turkish RevolutionTurkish LanguageDepartment *Aviation Electrics and ElectronicsEVENTSSelect the events you attendParticipating to information / Introductory meeting, 30 pointsMembership to library, 10 pointsAttending to the Faculty/Department introductory meeting, 10 pointsAttending at least three of the seminars, 30 pointsBeing membership to a student club and receiving a membership badge, CompulsaryParticipating in orienteering (Davutpaşa/Yıldız Campus), 15 pointsVisiting social units, 5 pointsFINAL STUDY:Write down your opinions from the events you attended as a text of approximately 500 words *MESSAGE TO MYSELFWrite your own message to your graduate day to read at your graduationThe book I read is; *Why I choose YTU and my department? *WebsiteSend